Dr. Shlomo Kalish
Founder Jerusalem Global Ventures
Chairman, Shalom Beinenu
Throughout his life, even before returning to his religious heritage, Dr. Shlomo Kalish, Chairman of Shalom Beinenu fought for peaceful interaction and tolerance among his fellow Jews. In 1999 he founded Shalom Beinenu to counteract the increasing polarization and divisions he saw developing within the Jewish People.
Dr. Shlomo Kalish is the founder and chairman of Jerusalem Global Ventures and the Director of several other companies and non-profit organizations. The Jerusalem Global Ventures is one of the leading High-Tech investments and funding companies in Israel. His education includes Ph.D. and M.Sc. from M.I.T. and B.Sc. from Tel Aviv University. Prior to that Dr. Kalish was a fighter pilot in the Israeli Airforce, serving five years in full duty, followed by many years of reserve duty.
Mr. Yaacov Ben-Yaacov, Founder Picture Vision
Mr. Avi Dagan, Founder & CEO of Eshed Consulting Engineers
Rabbi Mordechai Gal, Director of Chabad House in Ramat-Gan
Mr. Udi Peless, CEO Friendly Machines
Mr. Jay L. Pomrenze, Partner Caymen Advisors
Prof. Yair Tauman, Leon Recanati Graduate School of Management, Tel Aviv University
Mr. Eyal Waldman, Chairman of the Board & CEO Mellanox Technologies
Mr. Moshe Wertheim, President Coca Cola, Israel
Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Wilschanski, Rosh Yeshiva Chabad Zefat